Het fundament van systemisch fenomenologisch werk



Presence in Stillness with companionship and reflection of horses


Marion Latour

Jochen Beyer

Simon Hausner

  • Gieten
  • Bonnen 55
  • 9461 TC, Gieten

€ 895,-

Aantal dagen

3 dagen


5 juli 2024

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Presence in Stillness with companionship and reflection of horses

“Presence in Stillness is about realizing that the spirit is not anywhere else, nor is it something to be achieved, but rather an essence in each one of us, happening exactly here and now”.

 In this unique and special 3-day masterclass on the beautiful UNESCO Global GEOpark “De Hondsrug” in Drenthe, we will expanding our awareness and delve deeper into presence and stillness.

In these 3 days, we listen through contact, exploring the basic approach of being present. It is not about doing something, but about listening to what emerges when we go beyond intention. By letting go, we connect with the field of being, the essence that unifies everything.

In connection with nature and everything there is. The horses and other nature will support and reflect us in this these days.

 Through a collective learning field, bodywork (osteopathy & craniosacral), exercises and systemic sessions (with and without horses) you deepen yourself in presence and awareness and to be in touch with yourself and others. A present for yourself and your (potential) clients.

This masterclass is a co-creation between Simon Hausner, Jochen Beyer & Marion Latour and will take place outside. The language spoken during this retreat is English (translation to Dutch is possible).

Simon Hausner

Simon Hausner is a trained and qualified osteopathic practitioner. He believes that everyone’s physical, emotional and mental being is unique and exquisite in its own unique way. In his practice, he focuses on helping people find their balance in their own bodies and minds, simply and effortlessly.

 Simon studied Osteopathic Medicine at the European College for Osteopathy Munich-Paris (COE) and absolved trainings in Craniosacral Therapy after Olaf Korpiun, Viszeral Osteopathy after Frank de Bakker, Functional Medicine at IFMS, family constellations with Stephan Hausner and TWT #Timeless Wisdom Training* with Thomas Huebl. Several work studies at Esalen Institute influenced him deeply as Workshops and Retreats with Mike Boxhall and Jon Kabat Zinn.

Jochen Beyer

Jochen Beyer is a systemic facilitator, trainer, coach and co-owner of the Bert Hellinger Institute.

 From a chemical technological background, he made the shift from chemistry between substances to chemistry between people. He has followed various systemic training courses, including at Wind (systemic coaching with horses) and at the Bert Hellinger Institute. He feels grateful and proud to have been able to translate Bert Hellinger’s biography from German into Dutch.

 Jochen is particularly fascinated by the simplicity and at the same time the complexity of the Systemic work. Phenomenologically aware of what is, and recognizing this, continues to fascinate him.

Marion Latour

Marion Latour is a systemic facilitator, trainer, coach and co-owner of the Bert Hellinger Institute in the personal- and organizational fields. She is also a skilled trainer in interconnected health and embodied facilitation, a training she gave together with Stephan Hausner.

 Marion’s specialization and passion is in the craft of the facilitatorship & interventionship. She combines natural knowledge about nature & bodywork in her systemic work and trainings.

 Marion is also a skilled trainer in working with the systemic wisdom of horses. She facilitates systemic workshops with horses on both personal and organizational issues of individuals and teams.


3 dagen

5 juli 2024
Dag 1: 09:30 - 17:00Marion Latour, Jochen Beyer, Simon HausnerGieten
6 juli 2024
Dag 2: 09:30 - 17:00Marion Latour, Jochen Beyer, Simon HausnerGieten
7 juli 2024
Dag 3: 09:30 - 17:00Marion Latour, Jochen Beyer, Simon HausnerGieten

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Over het Bert Hellinger Instituut

Mensen zijn altijd in ontwikkeling. Met elkaar, zonder elkaar. In families, in teams, in organisaties. Het systemisch bewustzijn geeft inzicht in het waarom van ons zijn en doen. Met familieopstellingen en organisatieopstellingen ontstaat ruimte voor beweging. Het BHI geeft opleidingen, workshops en trainingen op het gebied van systemisch werk, opstellingen, leiderschap en coachen. Ook werken we rechtstreeks met organisaties die willen leren over hun onderstroom. Zo dragen wij bij aan de ontwikkeling van mens, organisatie en maatschappij.

Voor aanstormende en gevestigde leiders. Een initiatief van het Bert Hellinger Instituut.