The foundation of systemic phenomenological work



The Healing Art of Touch - Bodywork & Presence in Systemic Work


Marion Latour

Simon Hausner

  • Rolde
  • Asserstraat 23
  • 9451 AA, Rolde

€ 2995,-

Amount of days

9 days

Start date

17 March 2025

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The Healing Art of Touch - Bodywork & Presence in Systemic Work

The body never lies. That's what makes it so enormously important to be able to read the information from the body; it always shows how a person is really doing. In this training we offer a new perspective on the role of the body in systemic work. We learn to use highly effective techniques from osteopathy and cranio-sacral therapy, among others, to make contact with the body at a deeper layer and combine these techniques with our systemic knowledge.

In this training you will learn, as a systemic facilitator, to really feel through the body. That is a valuable addition and a fundamentally different technique than observation. Observation is an important part of systemic work and provides important information about the client, the representative and the facilitator himself. Feeling through, being aware of and present in the body is the deeper layer we will touch in this training.

Those who can feel through the body can arrive at answers amazingly effectively. This science is also the basis of osteopathy and craniosacral therapy. These healing methods are therefore an important source of inspiration and learning in this course.

We will also learn about the technique Presence in Stillness, a way of working developed by Mike Boxhall (1931-2019). We explore the concept of being present. What does that require? It is not about doing something, but about listening to what emerges.

Thus, in this training we learn to read, feel and perceive the body on another layer. We integrate the bodywork into the client's systemic process and thereby try to encourage the client's body to self-regulate again and set blocked structures in motion.

In this training we learn from international trainer Simon Hausner, among others. Therefore, the language of instruction is English.


Module 1

Observing movements and reactions of the body

March 17, 18, 19, 2025


Learning techniques from osteopathy & craniosacral therapy

Learn to apply co-regulation and gain insight how the nervous system works


Module  2

Presence in silence and in nature

May 19, 20, 21, 2025


Learning and observing the deeper result of presence and/ or silence

1 day with the horses & nature in Gieten


Module 3

Combining and integrating in systemic work

June 25, 26, 27, 2025


How to combine this knowledge in your systemic work

Setup and practice

Learning the time and rhythm of integration in yourself and your client


Purpose of this training

In this in-depth training for systemic facilitators, you will learn:

  • Refining our perception of the individual and the collective
  • Perceiving and reading the body through techniques from osteopathy and craniosacral therapy
  • How the mind, emotions and the body and its sensations are connected
  • Leading and following a constellation in direct contact with the client's and facilitator's body
  • Tuning into the synchronicity of the field, the body and the constellation
  • Exploring and deepening our presence



Simon Hausner

Simon Hausner is a licensed osteopathic physician. He is also a cranio-sacral therapist and also a systemic constellation practitioner. He believes that everyone's physical, emotional and mental being is unique. In his practice, he focuses on helping people find balance in their own bodies and minds simply and effortlessly.

Simon studied Osteopathy at the European College for Osteopathy Munich-Paris (COE) and trained in Craniosacral Therapy with Olaf Korpiun, Viszeral Osteopathy with Frank de Bakker, Functional Medicine with IFMS, family constellations with Stephan Hausner and TWT #Timeless Wisdom Training* with Thomas Hueb. Several work studies at the Esalen Institute had a profound impact on him during workshops and retreats with Mike Boxhall and Jon Kabat Zinn.

Marion Latour

Marion is a highly experienced facilitator and trainer in systemic work and co-owner of the Bert Hellinger Institute. Because of her deep connection to nature and working with horses, she knows how important presence and involvement of the body is in our systemic work.

"Our body and the body of the client(s) are the most important tools we have. Understanding the body's movements and responses even more consciously and using them in full presence creates the strongest and healthiest movements in life."
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9 days

17 March 2025
Module 1: 09:30 - 17:00Marion Latour, Simon HausnerRolde
18 March 2025
Module 1: 09:30 - 17:00Marion Latour, Simon HausnerRolde
19 March 2025
Module 1: 09:30 - 17:00Marion Latour, Simon HausnerRolde
19 May 2025
Module 2: 09:30 - 17:00Marion Latour, Simon HausnerRolde
20 May 2025
Module 2: 09:30 - 17:00Marion Latour, Simon HausnerRolde
21 May 2025
Module 2: 09:30 - 17:00Marion Latour, Simon HausnerRolde
25 June 2025
Module 3: 09:30 - 17:00Marion Latour, Simon HausnerRolde
26 June 2025
Module 3: 09:30 - 17:00Marion Latour, Simon HausnerRolde
27 June 2025
Module 3: 09:30 - 17:00Marion Latour, Simon HausnerRolde

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About the Bert Hellinger Institute

People are constantly evolving. With each other, without each other. In families, in teams, in organizations. Systemic thinking makes us aware of the “why” of our being and doing. Organizational and family constellations create room for movement. The BHI provides courses, workshops and training programs in the field of systemic work, constellations, leadership and coaching. This is how we contribute to the development of people, organizations and society.

For up-and-coming and established leaders. An initiative of the Bert Hellinger Institute.