The foundation of systemic phenomenological work



Interconnected Health & Embodied facilitation


Marion Latour

Stephan Hausner

Simon Hausner

  • De Zeven Linden
  • Middelberterweg 13a
  • 9723 ET, Groningen

€ 3950,-

Amount of days

11 days

Start date

04 March 2024

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All available seats are currently taken but please do subscribe to the waiting list. It is not uncommon for seats to be available again.

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Interconnected Health & Embodied facilitation


This advanced 11 days training is a unique opportunity to advance your facilitatorship to new depths.

Stephan Hausner & Marion Latour will guide you to understand, deepen and embody, how you can support the client to find a healthy respond and how you can act and facilitate from that place.

They combine and connect in this training their experience, knowledge and insights about facilitatorship and movements in the systemic work.

This year also Simon Hausner will give a 2 day module about bodywork and presence to understand and feel more of the movements of the body.


The program will consist of three (3-day) modules with Stephan Hausner & Marion Latour (including 1 day systemic work with horses and nature) and 1 (2-day) module with Simon Hausner & Marion Latour about bodywork & presence.

The training is in the North of the Netherlands, in Groningen. 

In 11 days you will deepen your craft as a facilitator and you learn how you make yourself available for a movement to complete in the client.


With constellations, exercises, and collective learning processes we deepen ourselves in a holding space. Together we look at and experience various issues that we may encounter in our facilitatorship:

  • The ability to respond as a facilitator and how can I make myself available for a movement to complete?
  • How can I support the client to find a healthy respond? How can I as facilitator support movements from the client that are going from surving to living and from fixation to movement and how do we stop movements that are going in the other directions?
  • How to use the body as an instrument? Embodied Facilitation
  • Connecting with- and movements in- the body (bodywork & presence)
  • Understanding Trauma and Healing Trauma - Health & illness from a systemic perspective
  • Working in service of life


Module 1: 4,5,6 March 2024 Stephan Hausner & Marion Latour

Module 2: bodywork & presence: 18, 19 March 2024 Simon Hausner & Marion Latour

Module 3: 21,22, 23 May 2024 Stephan Hausner & Marion Latour

Module 4: 10,11,12 June 2024 Stephan Hausner & Marion Latour


  • Stephan Hausner
  • Marion Latour
  • Guest trainer bodywork & presence: Simon Hausner

Simon Hausner has dedicated his professional life to Osteopathy and the development of revolutionary methods of treating the whole person. He studied Osteopathic Medicine at the European College for Osteopathy Munich-Paris (COE) and absolved trainings in Craniosacral Therapy after Olaf Korpiun, Viszeral Osteopathy after Frank de Bakker, Functional Medicine at IFMS, family constellations with Stephan Hausner and TWT #Timeless Wisdom Training* with Thomas Huebl. Several work studies at Esalen Institute influenced him deeply as Workshops and Retreats with Mike Boxhall and Jon Kabat Zinn.

Sign up for the waiting list

All available places are currently taken, but sign up for the waiting list. Sometimes a place may still become available for you. In that case, we will contact you.


11 days

04 March 2024
Module 1: 09:30 - 17:00Marion Latour, Stephan HausnerGroningen
05 March 2024
Module 1: 09:30 - 17:00Marion Latour, Stephan HausnerGroningen
06 March 2024
Module 1: 09:30 - 17:00Marion Latour, Stephan HausnerPaterswolde
18 March 2024
Module 2: 09:30 - 17:00Marion Latour, Simon HausnerZuidwolde (Groningen)
19 March 2024
Module 2: 09:30 - 17:00Marion Latour, Simon HausnerZuidwolde (Groningen)
21 May 2024
Module 3: 09:30 - 17:00Marion Latour, Stephan HausnerGroningen
22 May 2024
Module 3: 09:30 - 17:00Marion Latour, Stephan HausnerPaterswolde
23 May 2024
Module 3: 09:30 - 17:00Marion Latour, Stephan HausnerPaterswolde
10 June 2024
Module 4: 09:30 - 17:00Marion Latour, Stephan HausnerGroningen
11 June 2024
Module 4: 09:30 - 17:00Marion Latour, Stephan HausnerGroningen
12 June 2024
Module 4: 09:30 - 17:00Marion Latour, Stephan HausnerGroningen

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About the Bert Hellinger Institute

People are constantly evolving. With each other, without each other. In families, in teams, in organizations. Systemic thinking makes us aware of the “why” of our being and doing. Organizational and family constellations create room for movement. The BHI provides courses, workshops and training programs in the field of systemic work, constellations, leadership and coaching. This is how we contribute to the development of people, organizations and society.

For up-and-coming and established leaders. An initiative of the Bert Hellinger Institute.