The foundation of systemic phenomenological work

Challenge: how to make ourselves redundant?

Siets Bakker

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Join this workshop at Timeless in the WE!

Many of our clients have little conscious understanding of systems, their dynamics and all that comes with it. When they trust us, they’ll let us guide them. But what if we challenge ourselves to design tools, processes and language that leaves them 100% in charge? Without any specific demands or conditions, whilst holding the invitation for deep transformations?

In this workshop we’ll accept this challenge. I’ll first share with you what I’ve designed over the past years (it’s quite a lot!). I’ll also share with you the steps in development and execution I follow. And of course we’ll create together. You’ll leave feeling inspired and confident on how to do this yourself. 


Join our inspiring congress Timeless in the We and choose 5 from more than 20 workshops in the personal, organizational or societal field. All workshops, food, music, art and a party & dinner on Fridaynight are included in your ticket. Sign up now! 

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About the Bert Hellinger Institute

People are constantly evolving. With each other, without each other. In families, in teams, in organizations. Systemic thinking makes us aware of the “why” of our being and doing. Organizational and family constellations create room for movement. The BHI provides courses, workshops and training programs in the field of systemic work, constellations, leadership and coaching. This is how we contribute to the development of people, organizations and society.

For up-and-coming and established leaders. An initiative of the Bert Hellinger Institute.