MasterclassInternational Master Organizational Constellations and Systemic Interventions
This international masterclass is to learn the profession of facilitators of Organizational Constellations and Systemic Interventions.
Facilitating a constellation is not an art but a true profession. In the past couple of years it became apparent that clients in companies and organzsations want their facilitators to be professionals who are experts in their field. Additionally, a lot of organizational issues are imbedded in social issues which means you also have to be able to deal with those.
We offer this advanced training separately in order to do more justice to the different fields of personal issues on the one hand, and organizational development on the other.
For whom?
This training is for constellators, (HR) managers, coaches, consultants, and leaders who really want to make constellations as part of their profession and want to be experienced by clients as professional.
Goal of the training
The Master Training Organizational Constellations trains students to be a solid facilitator who:
- Knows how to create the right setting for an organizational constellation.
- Is able to perform a good constellation, even in teams that are divided.
- Has an eye for the systemic perspective on most of the organizational issues.
- Knows how to intervene systemically without performing a constellation.
- Knows the essentials of systemic phenomenological work through and through and knows how to apply them.
- Has an attitude and work ethic that the client and his/her organization can trust.
- Knows where systemic phenomenological work belongs in the field of system theories that are being applied within organizations.
- Is up to par with the “state of the art” and can bring different forms of constellations into practice, matching the assignment, the question and the setting.
- Knows how to differentiate between personal issues and organizational issues and knows how these sometimes relate to and differentiate from social issues.
This training includes 2 modules of 4 days, and 1 module of 3 days, 11 days in total.
Each module has a focus. In addition to introductions, we do a lot of practicing, participants supervise constellations and feedforward about their own style and unused potential. The systemic intervention capacity and individuality of the constellator is sharpened by a half-day coaching with the collaboration of horses, in module three.
Meetings during Covid-19 pandemic
The Bert Hellinger Institute is doing everything it can to follow government guidelines to prevent the spread of Covid-19 as best as possible. We always work as much as possible in accordance with the latest known guidelines and possibilities. When Covid regulations do not allow to have this presential training, we will cancel it. If we are allowed to do the training, but you are not allowed to travel, we will refund you.
Practical information
This international Master is intended for systemic facilitators from outside the Netherlands who have had a thorough basic training and who regularly apply systemic work (whether or not using constellations) in their work.
Payment in installments is possible without additional costs. To plan regarding payment in installments, you can contact the administration via
Wil je meer leren over systemisch werk en opstellingen?
Groei op professioneel, persoonlijk of maatschappelijk vlak met een cursus, training of coaching van het BHI.
Over het BHI
Het BHI is hét opleidings-, kennis- en onderzoekscentrum voor systemisch werk. Maak kennis met het team, onze locaties en historie.
Ben je nieuw hier of is iets niet duidelijk? Bekijk de veelgestelde vragen over systemisch werk in het algemeen of het BHI.
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InschrijvenOver het Bert Hellinger Instituut
Mensen zijn altijd in ontwikkeling. Met elkaar, zonder elkaar. In families, in teams, in organisaties. Het systemisch bewustzijn geeft inzicht in het waarom van ons zijn en doen. Met familieopstellingen en organisatieopstellingen ontstaat ruimte voor beweging. Het BHI geeft opleidingen, workshops en trainingen op het gebied van systemisch werk, opstellingen, leiderschap en coachen. Ook werken we rechtstreeks met organisaties die willen leren over hun onderstroom. Zo dragen wij bij aan de ontwikkeling van mens, organisatie en maatschappij.