Het fundament van systemisch fenomenologisch werk

Workshop Resilience before trauma: A systemic exploration

Resilience helps you deal with difficult events and changes. This systemic workshop will offer exercises and mini constellations to connect with your resources.

For whom?

The Workshop Resilience before trauma: A systemic exploration is not aiming at specific groups. For anyone who is interested in a systemic exploration of resilience this seminar might be interesting.

Purpose of the training

The evolutionary force is fully at play. We live in a disruptive time, one of a magnitude that most of us have never ever experienced before. A time where we find ourselves in the “Not Knowing”.

What we know about disruptive times is that it can cause people to subconsciously adopt all kinds of strategies in order to survive. These strategies can be very helpful in the moment but it can also cause someone to become exhausted, shaking and stirred, displaced and alienated in the long run.

It could be that in this time of Not Knowing, over the short or long term, we get trauma reactions. It could trigger old trauma’s of your own life (autobiography) or trigger trauma’s from generations before you (transgenerational). Whether or not this happens is determined by many circumstances and aspects. We have influence on at least one aspect: our resilience.

What resources that support resilience do you have access to? How do you relate with the Not Knowing and how does it affect you? How does it resonate in your background? In this seminar we will explore resilience from a systemic point of view.

Training program

There will be two modules of 1,5 hour and between the 2 modules is half an hour break. The language will be English.


No previous systemic training is required for this workshop.

Meetings during Covid-19 pandemic

The Bert Hellinger Institute is doing everything it can to follow government guidelines to prevent the spread of Covid-19 as best as possible. We always work as much as possible in accordance with the latest known guidelines and possibilities. When Covid regulations do not allow to have this presential training, we will cancel it. If we are allowed to do the training, but you are not allowed to travel, we will refund you.

Practical information

Payment in installments is possible without additional costs. To plan regarding payment in installments, you can contact the administration via info@hellingerinstituut.nl.

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Over het Bert Hellinger Instituut

Mensen zijn altijd in ontwikkeling. Met elkaar, zonder elkaar. In families, in teams, in organisaties. Het systemisch bewustzijn geeft inzicht in het waarom van ons zijn en doen. Met familieopstellingen en organisatieopstellingen ontstaat ruimte voor beweging. Het BHI geeft opleidingen, workshops en trainingen op het gebied van systemisch werk, opstellingen, leiderschap en coachen. Ook werken we rechtstreeks met organisaties die willen leren over hun onderstroom. Zo dragen wij bij aan de ontwikkeling van mens, organisatie en maatschappij.

Voor aanstormende en gevestigde leiders. Een initiatief van het Bert Hellinger Instituut.